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Over 100 Years of Marquette History

Through the Years...

Sigma Phi Delta was founded on April 24, 1921 at the University of Southern California and has since expanded to various regions of the United States and Canada. At Marquette, we have been in existence as Omega Sigma Phi since 1919- yet we merged nationally with Sigma Phi Delta in 1931. This puts us at 101 years old! There has been rich history throughout these 100+ years in Milwaukee, noted by over 900 alumni that have come and go. Our history is further evident with the large number of intramural trophies, pledge projects, and composites displayed throughout the current Haggerty House on 16th and Kilbourn. Swipe through the photo gallery below to see some Sig Phi guys through the years!

A Fraternity Founded upon the Principles of Truth and Honesty

Being a Brother of Sigma Phi Delta means having a strong center of values. Throughout the pledge process the following ideals are instilled and embodied as members of our Brotherhood.


Object of the Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity

The Object of the Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity shall be to promote the advancement

of the Engineering Profession; to foster the advancement of Engineering

Education; to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among Engineering students

and organizations; to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of Virtuous

manhood, good Citizenship, obedience to Law, and Brotherhood; and to encourage

excellence in Scholarship.


The Code of Ethics of Sigma Phi Delta

The Code of Ethics of Sigma Phi Delta is founded upon the basic principles of truth and honesty. The quotation, "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest," should be the light guiding the footsteps of an Engineer towards service and success.

An Engineer should at all times be mentally, physically and morally clean, and should conduct himself as a gentleman. He should be courageous in following his own convictions, mentally awake to make use of every opportunity, and should consider the welfare of others before his own.

To his superiors, an Engineer should be dutiful; to his co-workers, helpful; to his subordinates, generous; to all men, brotherly. An Engineer should take a good grip on the joys of life. He should play the game like a man. He should fight against nothing so hard as his own weaknesses, and should endeavor to gain in strength. He should live so that his actions shall never besmirch his own honor, and thus maintain the honor of the Engineering Profession.



"Pro Bono Professionis"

For the good of the profession.


Sigma Phi Delta

Science Friendship Duty

A Castle of Brotherhood built with Science, Friendship, and Duty

Science studies and formulates laws and principles of the universe. Engineering applies these laws and principles for the benefit of mankind. The primary object of our Fraternity is the advancement of the Engineering Profession, and by extension aiding our fellow man. To aid in this mission, each local chapter engages with their local College of Engineering. Each chapter has a professional program which might consist of engineering tours, talks, and symposiums the chapter might choose to hold. Brothers are part of a network of engineers that span multiple industries, disciplines, and companies.

Science forms the foundation on which our Castle of Brotherhood is built. This chapter focuses on the Engineering and Professional aspect of our Fraternity.





Friendship is the most valuable of all possessions. In our journey through life, material possessions may come and go, but the friendships forged during your time as an Active of Sigma Phi Delta will last forever. While Science unites us by profession, friendship is what unites us forever. Through our friendship, we are united in our mission to promote the advancement of the Engineering Profession.

The Brothers of Sigma Phi Delta form the bricks of our Castle of Brotherhood, each course of bricks building on the row below it, strengthening the overall structure. Friendship determines how these bricks are placed in relation to each other leading to a cohesive design and pattern. This chapter focuses on Friendship and the development of the bonds of Brotherhood.




Duty recalls our obligation to ourselves, our fellow men, and to those who came before us. Duty is the mortar that binds us together in our Castle of Brotherhood. If Friendship dictates the relationships between bricks, Duty is the binding agent that unifies us in in our mission to build a better world. Just as mortar can fill and seal the irregular gaps between bricks, so can Duty join Brothers that come from different walks of life in one common cause.

This chapter focuses on the values and principles of Sigma Phi Delta. The Code of Ethics embodies the duties all Sigma Phi Delta men are bound to.

Duty recalls our obligation to ourselves, our fellow men, and to those who came before us. Duty is the mortar that binds us together in our Castle of Brotherhood. If Friendship dictates the relationships between bricks, Duty is the binding agent that unifies us in in our mission to build a better world. Just as mortar can fill and seal the irregular gaps between bricks, so can Duty join Brothers that come from different walks of life in one common cause.

This chapter focuses on the values and principles of Sigma Phi Delta. The Code of Ethics embodies the duties all Sigma Phi Delta men are bound to.

910 N Renee St. Milwaukee, WI 53233

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